Bacchus Wine Tasters
Club Website (if applicable)

BACCHUS WINE is a group of Sunflower neighbors who gather monthly to share the joys of fellowship while exploring and learning more about the Wide World of Wine through creative food and wine pairings and fun tastings.
Membership Requirements/Dues
Bacchus Wine is not a chartered club; there are no club officers, and no dues are collected. Members are asked to contribute to a “tip jar” occasionally to defray the cost of paper and plastic products and to enable the club to “host” special events with no extra cost to members.
Membership is open to all Sunflower residents and simply entails getting one’s name on an e-mailing list. Events are announced to the membership by e-mail approximately a week to ten days before the date. Attendance at each event is limited and requires responding to an e-mailed invitation issued a few days after the announcement.
Meeting Times/Location
Most events take place on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Fiesta Room from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.
Contact Person(s)
To obtain this information, contact the Village Center at 520-572-9780.
Special Notes