The Sunflower Communicator
The Sunflower Communicator newsletter is a subscription service for Sunflower Community residents. A newsletter is sent weekly as an email to subscribers and contains news concerning events, new projects and other items of interest to residents. Short notes concerning specific issues may also be sent to subscribers from time to time.
For Active Adults in
Tucson, Arizona
Keeping the Sunflower Community informed
with the latest news and announcements.
The Sunflower Communicator newsletter supplements, but does not take the place of the Sun Catcher or this website. Nor does it take the place of emails with important information that are sent to all Sunflower residents by the HOA management from time to time
You can view the 20 most recent emails sent to Communicator subscribers here.
​Please note that the Communicator is for residents and employees of the Sunflower Community in Marana, AZ.
To sign up, click "Subscribe Here" above, fill out the form, and click “Subscribe” at the bottom of the form. Don’t forget to check the “I’m not a robot” box that appears when you submit the form. If you encounter problems or have questions, send an email to the list administrator.
If you should decide to cancel your subscription, just click on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the last Communicator email that you received. If you want to change your profile information (name, address or phone number), click the “Update your profile” link at the bottom of a Communicator email. To change your email address, send a request to the list administrator.
Signing up for the Communicator will not result in your email address being added to the Association’s email database. Likewise, providing your email address to the Association – e.g., giving it to a member of the Front Desk staff – will not result in you being subscribed to the Communicator. You may receive emails with important information directly from the HOA manager, so please make sure that your email address is in the HOA database.
Material for the Communicator should be in submitted in MS-Word to Lsak@associatedasset.com in Verdana 10pt font by 4pm on Wednesday of the week of publication. Please limit submissions to 150 words or less.
Please Note:
Some email programs, as well as email providers, will sometimes treat newsletter emails as “spam”. If you find any Communicator emails in your spam (or junk) folder, mark them “not spam/junk”. That should help keep future Communicators from being flagged as spam/junk.
Special Note for Gmail Subscribers:
If you do not find missing Communicators or Sunflower Blasts in your "Junk" tab, look for a "Promotions" tab. If you find them there, do the following:
On a Desktop Computer:
Rescue the email by clicking on it and dragging it to your Primary inbox.
When a dialog box asks if you want this action performed for every message from this sender, click Yes.
On a Mobile Device:
Rescue the email by holding your finger on it until a check mark appears.
Tap the three dots at the top right of your screen.
Select Move to and then select Primary.