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Travel Club

Club Website (if applicable)

Travel Club

The purpose of the organization is to provide a venue for Sunflower club members to come together to plan, organize, promote and execute shared travel venues. As a nonprofit organization, individuals receive no compensation from the Club, nor may they accept compensation from any vendors.

Membership Requirements/Dues

Membership shall be open to all members in good standing of the SFCA. Dues amount will be determined annually by the Club's Executive Committee. Traditionally, the annual dues have been $5.00 per person. Because of the relatively small experiences experienced by the Club, dues for renewing membership have been 'two for one' as in the past.

Meeting Times/Location

The SFTC holds three Open Houses and an Annual Meeting at the Village Center. These events are publicized in the Sun Catcher and on the Club's bulletin board located in the Village Center. One of the Open Houses is designated as a semi-annual business meeting.

Contact Person(s)

To obtain this information contact the Village Center at 520-572-9780.

Special Notes

Information on future trips is available on the SF Travel Club's Bulletin Board located at the Village Center. Information also appears in the Club's monthly article in the Sun Catcher. The Club has a sales table at the Village Center, generally the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.. People staffing the sales table have information on all future trips and may accept reservations from Club members. They may also take applications for new memberships.

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